3th Spirit of Adoption
In the third story of “Spirit of Adoption”, we would like to share Camarel’s sweet story with you.
“Girl-girl (as she used to be called) came to us 3 years ago, from the SOSD shelter. Our foster cat, Cantik, was very ill and had just passed away. So we decided to foster a dog this time. My kids were in P1 and P3 at the time; I worked from home so we were able to take on elderly or sick animals.
To be honest, I can’t recall her backstory, but I think she was a stray on the streets. We were told that she was reluctant to go on walks while she was at the shelter. True enough, when it was time to go gai-gai (walking) at ours, she didn’t budge either.
So we cut the ends off one of those large, blue IKEA bags and hauled her out for two walks a day. Camarel had a hearty appetite; she wasn’t light. My guess is that she quickly realised how ridiculous she looked in the bag — by Day 3, she was skipping along on her own steam, happy as a clam as we head out. Just in time too, because my back was about to give way.
She quickly settled into our routine and our family. We re-named her Camarel, because she was the colour of a camel and caramel. Her personality was far from boring brown, though. She was loving, inquisitive and empathetic. She was an excellent companion and was at ease with family, friends and guests alike.
About 18 months or so after she joined our family, Camarel passed away from cancer. She was a lovely soul, our little old girl.” – from Camarel’s family.
We hope Camarel’s story will show that in spite of adopting an older dog that may not have a longer time to live, the love and care you get from a senior dog will not be any less than a puppy or a young dog. Instead, think of how happy this oldie will be to have a family to spend its happily ever after with.
If you are keen to adopt, please write to us at bit.ly/sosdadoptform