Herbie, Samantha’s and Desmond’s adopted dog
Say “Hi” to Herbie, Samantha’s and Desmond’s adopted dog.
Samantha and Desmond were looking for a dog when they came across Herbie’s adoption post on SOSD’s Facebook page.
“I chose to adopt Herbie as I had a strong feeling that he would turn out to be my best friend.”
Herbie was an insecure dog when he was first adopted. He was scared of many things. He was terrified of walks, detested baths and was afraid to move around the house. Herbie preferred to stay in his little corner and play with his own toys.
As time went by, Samantha gained Herbie’s trust after showering him with continuous love and care. Soon it became apparent that Herbie is actually a hyper and cheeky dog.
“He can be a little naughty at times. When caught red-handed for messing up the rubbish or opening the fridge door to steal food, Herbie will always give a very silly face. Seeing his silly face made it hard for us to scold him or stay angry for long.
Herbie is definitely a “mummy’s boy”. He is able to sense when I’m feeling sad or when I’m having a rough day. He would climb up next to me and just snugggle or put his head or paw on my lap.”
Samantha, who works in a dog care centre, often brings Herbie to work.
“Herbie really enjoys going to work with me. He has many friends at the dog care centre and at times, he is even reluctant to go home.
Deep down inside, I know that l will always have a best friend/son. He makes me happier by giving me a sense of warmth. I am really grateful to have him as Herbie in my life!
Dog are always loyal and loving, whether they are a pedigree or a street dog. Open your arms and heart and give a street dog a home! It may surprise you to learn that they are smart and they will definitely appreciate your love and love you back twice as much!”