Latte and Family

Latte and Family
“Latte was shy, timid and hid in her shell when she came to our home on the first of January this year. At the adoption drive, she was unlike other dogs that were so excited and eager to greet people. Alone in a corner, she was disinterested at the commotion happening around her. We felt that Latte was different and unique from others so we decided to adopt her.

Walks were not easy in the first few months. Latte was easily frightened by anything that moved. Cowering in the bushes, she would not budge and was very uncooperative. It took patience to help her adapt to her new home. After experiencing more of the environment, Latte has developed confidence and is less fearful of her surroundings. She now enjoys going to the garden to meet her cat friend every night. We are still working on her confidence and hope that one day she can become a courageous dog that loves to explore places.

Over the past few months, Latte has shown that she is very friendly and affectionate. She would place her head on my lap to ask for head rubs, greet us happily once we return home and whine loudly every morning to wake us up. She enjoys chasing insects and once even helped us to find a cockroach. She can be too playful and rough at times but we are never tired of watching her adorable antics. She is that very smart and special dog anyone could ever ask for.

I would recommend others to open up their hearts to street dogs as they are no different from any other dogs we see every day. Latte has taught me a lot more than what I could give her – she taught me how to love. We should not be afraid of street dogs because of their size and appearances. They are loving animals and are not aggressive wild dogs that would chase and bite. They are understanding and will love us unconditionally if we build trust with them. Only by our actions will we make a better home for these dogs. All they wish for is to feel safe and have a loving home. I believe that in future, Singapore would have more dog owners with street dogs and neighbours will be more open and used to seeing them around the neighbourhood.

We have a lot of street dogs in need of loving homes that are very capable and clever, so why buy? Don’t shop, adopt! Give our street dogs a fighting chance and a loving home!”

– Dean & family, who adopted Latte (formerly known as Korea) this January