Wonderful Volunteer Wai Yin

Wonderful Volunteer Wai Yin
This week, we applaud our wonderful volunteer Wai Yin. We first met Wai Yin when she stepped up to adopt Bingo, an old discarded dog which was to be put to sleep but was rescued just in time. With a heart of gold, Wai Yin not only took Bingo in but showered her with kindness and love. With the care and love from Wai Yin, Bingo underwent a remarkable transformation; her fur grew and shone, and her eyes became bright again.

Wai Yin’s kindness did not end there; she joined SOSD as a shelter volunteer and soon, the rehab team as well to help rehabilitate newly rescued dogs. She now spends every weekend volunteering with us.

As if these contributions are not enough, Wai Yin plays a very important role at SOSD: she manages SOSD’s central canine database, a task which requires lots of diligence and dedication. All information on all the dogs are in her hands!

Wai Yin shares, “I have learnt so much from these dogs about living in the moment, bearing no grudges, and just braving through difficulties without self-pity. When I first volunteered, I thought I just wanted to make a little difference to a shelter dog’s life. In the end, they have made a difference to mine.”

A true inspiration indeed! Thank you Wai Yin!